Introducing Dr. Don
Don has a gift for speaking that is truly unique. Combining insightful information, memorable stories, and passionate delivery, he changes lives with the messages he delivers. His speeches and classes touch the heart and mind making people “laugh, cry and think.” He is a speaker, author, therapist, and consultant with a gift of healing and inspiring lives.
Don is a Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Amberton University. He helped launch the first Master’s Degree in Counseling in Dallas, later serving as Academic Vice President. He leads their innovative “My Learning Style” as Director of the Amberton Quality Enhancement Plan. He has served on the faculty of Abilene Christian University, Oklahoma Christian University, and Harding School of Theology.
Don is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Supervisor and a Clinical Fellow in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He is on the leadership team of Restoration Counseling in Ft. Worth, where he leads Restoration Post Graduate Academy. He opened the Family Center of the Metroplex in Irving, Texas, and the Genesis Center for Christian Counseling in Atlanta. He teaches marriage and family therapy courses, Couples Therapy, Sex Therapy, and Conflict Resolution.
He earned a Master’s Degree in Communications from Abilene Christian University and a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from ACU. His doctorate from Texas Woman’s University is in Adult Education/Organizational Consulting.
Don speaks nationally on a wide range of topics, including relationships, leadership, conflict, and marriage. Appearing on Good Morning Texas, KTVT Morning Show speaks to churches, universities, and businesses. His research and writings have been featured on PBS, The London Sunday Times, and Ladies Home Journal.
Since 1988 he has worked as a consultant with churches and other organizations experiencing transitional trauma. He is the author of Healing Hurting Churches: The Economou Process. He is a consultant with The Siburt Institute for Church Growth at ACU.
Don speaks nationally on relationships, leadership, transitions, marriage, and conflict resolution. He has designed custom training seminars for clients as diverse as trucking firms, university faculties, church leadership teams, and marriage enrichment events. He builds keynote speeches for clients needing a customized address for an important event.
Don’s experience on the platform and in the classroom is legendary. He wrote his dissertation on public speaking. Over a twenty-year career at Amberton University, students rate him as “superior” in the classroom, often saying, “This is the best professor and course I’ve ever taken.”

When a church is in crisis, it can’t call 911, so it calls Dr. Don. For thirty years, he has served as a “church doctor” for congregations in crises; sex scandals, toxic leadership, personality disorders, and minister resignations are a few of the many reasons a church can be stopped dead in its tracks. Using his systemic approach, The Economou Process, Don provides spiritual-emotional healing to a congregation.